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Singley Environmental and Remediation
Environmental Drilling - Direct Push
Sinlgey Environmental and Remediation Services is a
licenses drilling contractor in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida,
Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee capable of providing
direct push, monitor, recovery, and soil vapor extraction
well installations for site assessment and site remediation.

Services Provided
MacroCoreŽ (GeoprobeŽ) Sampling System
The MacroCore sampler is a GeoprobeŽ designed
solid barrel sampler. It is 1.5" in diameter
and four to five feet in length, depending on the
size of the machine being used. Singley
Environmental Remediation Services currently run the
Geoprobe 5400 series and the AMS Powerprobes.
We have these units at each of our three locations.
This sampler requires tripping in and out of an open
borehole. |
Singley Environmental Remediation Services uses
discrete single interval groundwater sampling
devices; these tools are driven, pushed, or vibrated
into the formation to targeted depth, typically
utilizing flush-joint drill rod and either a
retractable or expendable tip. Once the
desired depth is reached, the tool is retracted from
between .5" to 5' exposing stainless steel or PVC
screen. Screen length, mesh size and
construction can vary. Groundwater can be
removed from the tool by way of bailer, peristaltic
pump or check valve |
Direct Push Well
The primary advantage of direct push wells is
the cost saving that is associated with the speed
and ease of installation. Due to a decreased
waste production, faster installation,
and lower costs direct push wells are a desirable
alternative to conventionally drilled wells.
Temporary well installation is conducted by
advancing the outer drive rod equipped with an
expandable drive point or tip to the target depth,
lowering the casing and screen into the well,
and then attaching the screen to the drive point. |
Injection |
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